Basically to start one of my sculptures I use a foam form that I purchase from a taxidermy supply company. I could probably build my own form, but the solid hard foam aloows me a great sturdy base to begin from. The forms are also very realistic and allow me to make a creature that looks like an animal we recognize but with my own artistic touches.
I sculpt over the form with Magic Sculpt. Magic Sculpt is a two part resin epoxy clay that allows me the freedom to work with it like a water based clay but I don't have to bake it. When I was using sculpy I found it cracked very easily.
I also use glass eyes I purchase. The eyes for this certain creature are Bass fish eyes. I tend to mix and matchwith the animals to get the effct I'd like.
Once this clay dries over night I will be able to start the painting process.
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