Monday, August 1, 2011

Best Weekend Ever 2 &3...

Last weekend Dan and I went and saw the final Harry Potter at the IMAX Theater in Historical Greenfield Village. The movie was amazing.Being such a huge fan of the books and movies I thought it was a great finale. I did cry, quite hard at times,over the deaths of characters. I knew it was going to happen but actually seeing it was sad. It is a bittersweet ending but now I can run out and buy all the movies and watch them any time I like. They won't be on a ginormous screen or in 3D but at least I can cry alone instead of next to complete strangers.

Last Sunday we had Audrey and her husband over for lunch and we went to the flea market. I didn't find much but Dan bought an old gun and was super happy. :) I also got to go roller skating!!! Such a blast.

This weekend was just as fun! Saturday Katie Kutthroat visited and we just hung out with my dog Missy. During conversation we saw Missy rolling in the grass, sniffing something, then rolling again. Turns out it was this...
A disgusting half rotted mouse. I don't understand dogs!!! She was smelling good from a bath but she decided maggot mouse smelled better.
That evening Dan and I rode our bikes to Pig and Whiskey. It's a new BBQ festival that is held just blocks away from our house. We ate delicious BBQ and drank too much. We had to move Audrey out of her studio the next day so maybe pounding back 6 beers before bed wasn't a good idea. Look at the size of this polish sausage...
I was a little embarassed to try and eat this thing.
Cheers to the summer weekends and friends. It really is the best.

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