Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sad days and Rain...

I'm sorry that I haven't been keeping up on this blog. Somedays it is just so hard.The past 2 weeks have been a rollercoaster ride. I was called in to interview for a position that I have wanted for awhile. I was so excited and happy at the same time. I was even more thrilled that they called me back for the second interview. The day before the second interview my Grandpa passed away. So that really threw a cruve ball at me. But instead of sitting at home or going to see my dad I sucked it up and went to work and continued preparing for my interview. Again even though I was sad I felt I rocked the second interview. But sadly I didn't get the position and I allowed myself to shed a few tears. I think Dan was more upset that I was.;)

This past weekend was the usual sitting at the funeral home, going to my grandmas, going to church, the cemetary.. etc etc. I have never been so drained. Even though I was exhausted I still had to tidy up my house and entertain guests on Fathers day.Thankfully Dan was awesome this weekend and was there with me the whole time.

To top it all off since I have been so bad about keeping on top of things lately, I won't be able to get my dress made. :( It would've only given the dressmaker 2 weeks to make something from scratch. I felt that was unfair. So thankfully I id find something that wasn't as amazing but still great. It was also a lot cheaper too. It's ordered and on it's way!


  1. I'm sorry to hear that. My grandfather recently passed away too.Well wishes and Blessings ♡
